

Tracks heart rate; participants were encouraged to relax the mind and lower heart rate. As heart rate is lowered, a white flower emerges to help further promote relaxation. This complemented a new trend in the medical field known as “serious games” which incorporate gaming fundamentals to promote well-being.

Role: Team Lead

Mental Models
Before we started talking about how to approach our design we each created our own visions and brought them together into one cohesive strategy

Process and User Testing
We need to act fast and creatively to pull our ideas off, through a series of user testing and trial and error we came up with using an umbrella frame as the model of choice

We utilized numerous different pieces of technology they are traditionally used together to create something special

UX and Technology Flow
It was imperative that we understand the user before they even sit down to start with our process of evaluation

Milwaukee User Experience Presentation
We had the opportunity to present our prototype at a Milwaukee UX meetup